Benchmarking using Deno


Benchmarking using Deno

Deno is great. I absolutely love it, and I love the fact that it will push node to become better.

Deno comes with some really cool out of the box tools, such as a benchmarking tool.

Benchmarking is important if you want to measure the impact of a code change on the performance of your code base.

I always advocate to avoid performance optimisation unless performance becomes an issue when developping an application. However, when developping libraries, performance is very important and could be a question of life and death for a package.

Deno bench is the utility ship with deno to run benchmarks. It is very easy to setup and run benchmarking.

Let’s benchmark our recursive and iterative solutions to compute a factorial.

// factorial.ts

const isPositiveInteger = (n:number):Boolean => Number.isInteger(n) && n>0

function validateArgument(n):void{
		throw new Error('Invalid argument: provide a positive integer.')

export function recursive(n:number): number {
   if(n === 0){
      return 1;
   } else {
      return n * recursive(n-1)

export function iterative(n:number):number {
   let result = 1;
   for (let i = 1; i<=n; i++){
       result *= i; 
   return result;

As a standard, the benchmarking files are suffixed of _bench, for example main_bench.ts.

// factorial_bench.ts
import { iterative, recursive } from "./main.ts";

/* We use group to tell deno that these two function are part of the same benchmark group.
The `baseline` argument allow us to ask deno to do a comparaison, such as bar() is 10x faster than foo(). 
See documentation for more information.

Deno.bench("iterative", {group:'factorial', baseline:true}, () =>{

Deno.bench("recursive", {group:'factorial'}, () => {

Now, we simply run the benchmark runner using deno bench

# > deno bench
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11370H @ 3.30GHz
runtime: deno 1.29.2 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

benchmark      time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p995
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
iterative   13.36 µs/iter  (12.98 µs … 144.79 µs)  13.02 µs  25.32 µs  28.93 µs
recursive  210.47 µs/iter   (144.09 µs … 1.88 ms) 160.78 µs 973.94 µs   1.05 ms

   15.75x faster than recursive

Iterative is 15.75x faster than recursive.

Cool stuff!

See you soon 👋
